Wednesday, December 07, 2005

planes planes planes

Saturday, December 03, 2005

end of the road
cc dean

Home Sweet Home next to summit lake
cc dean

This is what it looks like from the back seat of a super cub
cc dean

termination dust
cc dean

Mid September
cc dean

Due to lack of quality instruction apparently this student fell in the lake while beaching
cc dean

this is my lake for a day
cc dean

Dillion killin' again
cc dean

there are bears in the river (goat creek)
cc dean

Little Johnstone
cc dean

pretty cold with this window open
cc dean

Wish this student could hold a heading
cc dean

top of the Harding icefield
cc dean

cc dean

Bear Glacier
cc dean

Cresent lake
cc dean

surfer crossing
cc dean

1934? Travelair
cc dean

small boat harbor in Harbor
cc dean

moose burgers anyone? Courtesy of the RV on the right
cc dean

red tide
cc dean

Salmon spawning
cc dean

Chief pilot and instructor, me
cc dean

Many a tail has been told on this porch
cc dean

looks like cloud 9
cc dean

hold on Duane
cc dean

not much of a scenic flight but they had fun anyways
cc dean

mountians poking through clouds
cc dean

one day later this guy was able to get his plane off the beach. It's probably flying again right now.
cc dean

Bet that he is happy to see me
cc dean

edge of the world
cc dean

rut row
cc dean

lost lake
cc dean

frosty icing
cc dean

great day
cc dean

ice ice baby
cc dean

is that ice calving
cc dean

Cheniega Glacier
cc dean

Coming right
cc dean

Ice cliff
cc dean

Kings Bay
cc dean

Summer wonderland
cc dean

Traffic 3 O'clock
cc dean

Bench Lake
cc dean

lark mountian in the background
cc dean

Home sweet home for three years
cc dean

7km an awesome bird
cc dean

cleared for take off
cc dean

beauty eh
cc dean

Nice day for a float plane ride
cc dean